If you HAVE felt that way, trust me when I say you are so not alone! Sometimes life just likes to have a field day and starts chucking all kinds of shit your way when you're not even close to prepared. That does suck but, there is always SOMETHING good. Even if it's just the fact that you had a decent cup of coffee on a bad day or someone called to make you smile. Some days... yes, unfortunately, everything sucks. But in the very annoying yet somehow always true words that I myself am always told when I feel like this... Everything will be okay. If you're in here and reading blogs in my obviously not for everyone shop, you may notice that I myself am clearly a different kind of creature ;) but more importantly, I totally get where this feeling comes from and I promise you, everything will be okay. Well fuck. Now I have to put THAT saying on some shirts and mugs... It makes sense. AND I know someone who will get an absolute kick out of seeing it in here... I'm glad we did this. Smile. Tomorrow is another day. :)
Until next time!